Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Dead End by Nakahatra Singh

THE DEAD END The journey had been good, Full of good, bad and none. On the road I am walking on, Now comes a dead end. I can see, I can feel, I can walk, Then why and what is a dead end. Dead end would eventually come, Only when I breathe my last, Till then I must walk on. Roads may change, destiny exists, Roads will change, destiny decides, Roads must change, destiny grows, And the walk must go on. I turned back to find new road, Soon I was on a new one. Thumping of feet, Songs of life and hope, I had gained my gait. On a curve, I crossed a large tree, Hanging on its trunk was a mirror, To kill the loneliness, to show me I, My eyes met mine and I called out, Path is fine, Walk on O traveller..... By - Nakshatra Singh Copyright @ Nakshatra Singh

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