Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A Poem by Felix Fojas - The Bibliomanic

THE BIBLIOMANIAC By Felix Fojas FELIX FOJAS·SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 2019 Books!books!books! His mania or obsession Is accumulating books Of all shapes and sizes, Rare and common, Although he has no Qualifications as an Erudite scholar aside From being a retired Bookseller and a former Librarian. He simply Loves the touch, smell And sight of tomes. If only books are edible, Then he would have Roasted them into an Angus steak or stewed Them into a delicious Hungarian goulash. His life speaks volumes About his being a book Hoarder for ages, in spite The fact that he doesn’t Really bother to read The books he collects. O his vision of heaven Is a boundless library Filled with all the books That have ever been Printed since the old Gutenberg press was Invented. The only pets He keeps are bookworms And silverfish. Living up To his fine reputation as A bibliomaniac, he always Dons an oversized dust Jacket of a best-selling Novel as his formal vest. Of course, it isn’t shocking To discover that his best Friend is no less than A first-edition, hardbound Copy of How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Books!books!books! All his waking moments, Dreams, and nightmares Are teeming with books!

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